What do you wonder?

The Rieke Elementary School student have a lot of questions as they explore, interact, and learn about the world around them. When they have a wonder, they can submit it to the Wonder Tree and earn a bud with their name on it. These questions are then added to the Wonder Wall for students to pick and conduct research to try to find an answer to the question. When they return their research sheet, they earn a leaf for the tree.

Let's watch the Wonder Tree bloom and grow!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why does water not go through the chimney?
5th grade
Why do we do the Wonder Tree activity?
2nd grade
Why do we wonder?
4th grade
How does a hover board work?
3rd grade
How big is the universe?
2nd grade
Are there other galaxies?
3rd grade
Why is the sky blue?

Why is everything made in China?
3rd grade
Why do we breathe air and not water?
2nd grade
Why do we need plants?
3rd grade
Why has America had so many wars?
1st grade
How did the Big Bang happen?
1st grade
What is jello made out of?
2nd grade
How many people are there in the whole world?
4th grade
Are clones real?
3rd grade
How many legs does a table need to stand on its own?

Sept PTA community dinner member
What is the first man-made object to leave our solar system?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Can you hear in space?

Sept PTA community dinner member
What happens to water drops in space?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why is it important to exercise in space?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why do some animals have 2 legs?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How heavy is the Earth?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How heavy is the space shuttle?

Sept PTA community dinner member
What does space have on it?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How does space spin?

Sept PTA community dinner member
What plants grow well on Mars?

Sept PTA community dinner member
What are planets shaped like?

Sept PTA community dinner member
What colors are the planets?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How many days does it take to get to the moon?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How fast is the Earth spinning?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why the Pluto not a planet anymore?

Sept PTA community dinner member
What is the biggest planet?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why are plants so special?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why do plants need a long time to grow?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How do seeds grow into plants?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Is lavender related to mint?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why does lavender smell?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How do people grow?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why do people have taste buds?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why are humans the only species with spoken language?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why can't people fly?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How does the rocket come back down to Earth?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why is the magnetic north different than true north?

Sept PTA community dinner member
What is the helmshole coil?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How often do the poles switch?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Can airplanes go into space?

Sept PTA community dinner member
How do you get food in space?

Sept PTA community dinner member
Why are there so many planets?
Sept PTA community dinner member
How do the Milankovitch cycles work and why does the Earth's spin axis change?

Sept PTA community dinner member
In space, can you breath?
Sept PTA community dinner member
How does the space shuttle engine work?
Sept PTA community dinner member
What does Earth have on it?
Sept PTA community dinner member

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How did people come up with words?
4th grade
How can space satellites know where all the places are in the world?
Who invented soccer and football?
4th grade
Why does the Tooth Fairy take your teeth?
2nd grade
How long does it take to get into space?  What do you need to get there?
2nd grade
Why does the world spin?
5th grade
What if I wasn't born?
3rd grade
How would a hover board work?
3rd grade
How was the Earth made?
3rd grade
Do dolphins cry?
2nd grade
How are seeds made?
1st grade
What is G force?  How does it work?
I wonder if we will be able to fly in the future
3rd grade